Jill I loved this post! This is something I've been struggling with lately. The grass is not always greener on the other side but, the constant visuals via social media will make you think so. The endless selfcare post that look like papmer me days 7 days a week is just not my reality. As a mom of a special needs child most days basic hygiene is selfcare.. But I've been asking God to humble my heart with contentment. To be grateful for everything and every season of life even the messy ones.

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Ok THAT SONG 😭😭😭 Listening to Lazy Genius Way right now, been a fan of Kendra for a while but FINALLY getting to the book :) Also adding some of your fall roundup recipes to my fall dinner queue!

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Loved this Jill! The more I read from you, the more I see similarities in how we operate esp re doubting my decisions and needing my husband to weigh in all. The. Time. Sometimes he gets tired of it 😬🙈 but he's usually very supportive!

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Book: The Many Lives of Mama Love-- an eye-opening memoir of a woman who went to prison & then everything it took to reunify with her children & get back on her feet. The heavier parts are balanced by her voice, which has humor and candor. Highly recommend!

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Love that tide laundry pods made the list for toddler desires 😆 the desire to crave independence is in all of us - especially when babies are young and showers feel like like slices of “alone time”. Raised by a single mom myself, I saw and felt her desire for a partner to share life with and I’m forever grateful for mine. Even when he puts me check every now and then 😜 the questions you posed and the call to root in humility is much needed as a reminder. Thanks friend.

And I can’t wait to try capturing home!

And and hey- congrats on another year of this newsletter! It gets better and better. Truly. ❤️

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I devoured suits these past few months. Solely for the purpose of watching the perfection of Megan Markle and parade of business casual designer clothing. Grew to love it.

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Hard Knocks forever, thanks to you 😉 also I love seeing all the pictures of your family!

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Fave show this month was Fat, Salt, Acid, Heat. So beautiful, peaceful and inspiring.

I’m impressed with your nail routine in these August temps!!

Also the essay about the grass is always greener was exactly what I needed to hear. Transitioning to three kids made this summer sooo challenging and I’ve def had a hard time not envying my childless friends. So free!! But what would I do without these little nuggets? How has the transition to four been as compared to your transition to three kids? You’re a blessing to me Jill!

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I’ve been recovering from surgery the past couple weeks.

Book Heroes: Magnificent Life of Marjorie Post, Pineapple Street, Reading List

TV Heroes: Daisy Jones and the Six

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JILL. I cannot get over your painting nails in car line hack!!! 🫢

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I just finished reading The Making of Another Major Motion Picture Masterpiece by Tom Hanks, and actually loved it, though it took a bit to get into. Strangely, even though we’re not IRL friends, I thought of you😂. Because it’s definitely a peek behind the curtain on how movies are made, wrapped up in a really good story. I think I remember you saying how much you love behind-the-scenes looks at how things, processes, systems, industries work? (Read Unreasonable Hospitality on your rec - LOVED it!) Anyways, one of my favourites for the month - other than that, I’ve been reading middle grade books for months😏 - these are what my overfull, overwhelmed brain can handle in the crazy season my family is in.

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